Internal Audit and Data Analytics

Internal Audit and Data Analytics

Internal Auditors work in an exceptionally complex, always evolving, and challenging world. In an environment where there is pressure to add more value with fewer people and less time, internal auditors are being challenged to discover more risks, review operational,...
A Taxman’s Casebook

A Taxman’s Casebook

This contribution is unashamedly inspired by an excellent regular in the Car Magazine entitled “A Garageman’s Casebook”. It tells stories of interesting mechanical problems that are solved by a Garageman in rural South Africa. Whilst I am mechanically totally inept, I...
Movable and Immovable Assets

Movable and Immovable Assets

This summarised article below provides a brief account of some definitions and terminology used in the property and movable/immovable industry. The objective to highlight the distinction between the terms movable and immovable assets (also referred to as property)....
Tic Tac(X) Toe and the Budget

Tic Tac(X) Toe and the Budget

The budget speech for 2021 – 2022. what can one say other than, oh my goodness! It was a year in which we experienced the hardships of hard lockdowns, alcohol prohibition, a downturn in the economy and a national drop in productivity, and, yes, of course, a...