Software Services

Software Services

No matter the size of your operation, your business relies on the functionality, efficacy and security of your information systems in order to operate successfully. Ideally, the software solutions you implement within your business should synergise perfectly with your operational flow to maximise efficiency and ease of use. When selected and implemented correctly, the right software systems can build productivity, minimise error and increase accessibility to the data and information you need to make decisions quickly and accurately.

Financial management, asset management and financial reporting software

At Kreston SA, we offer a range of software services to help you maximise the potential of technology to grow your enterprise, including financial management software, asset management software and financial reporting software that will take your company’s business intelligence to the next level.

Get the full financial picture with software that works

With combined expertise as both a software provider and accounting practitioners, Kreston SA is uniquely positioned to help you design and implement the right systems to meet your needs, whatever they may be.

Some of the areas of business intelligence we specialise in include:

  • IT systems and software selection
  • Project management
  • Process engineering
  • ERP systems
  • Automated financial reporting (CaseWare)
  • Audit communication software

If you need any assistance designing, implementing and maintaining an effective financial management, asset management or financial reporting software solution within your operation, contact us today.