Outsourced Payroll Services That Save You Time and Money

Outsourced Payroll Services That Save You Time and Money

Payroll management is a complex and resource-intensive administrative process. Kreston SA’s full range of outsourced payroll services delivers innovative and reliable payroll management solutions for businesses of any size, eliminating errors and leaving you free to focus on growth.

A Comprehensive Solution That Grows with You

Kreston SA’s outsourced payroll solution includes services such as:

  • Payroll support services
  • Payroll administration services
  • Payroll management services
  • Medical aids
  • Tax registration
  • Employee and third-party payments
  • Garnishees
  • Third-party payment reconciliations
  • Mid- and end-of-year submissions
  • Pension and provident funds

If your business could benefit from an expert outsourced payroll solution, contact our team today!