Estate Planning Services

Estate Planning Services

Effective estate planning protects you and your chosen beneficiaries by ensuring that your  will is implemented exactly as you intended it to be, with your assets distributed according to your wishes when you die. Proper estate planning is essential in securing the future well-being of your family, while ensuring that estate duty, taxes, and other associated costs are minimised as far as possible.

Estate planning includes the drafting and establishment of wills and trusts, financial planning, and the identification and ratification of an appropriate executor of the deceased estate.

Professional Executorship for Total Peace of Mind

Estate administration is a complex process that must be carried out with empathy, efficiency, and professionalism, in strict accordance with the law as determined by the Estate Act of 1965. Kreston SA’s Professional Executorship services deliver a complete solution –and complete peace of mind – for both the estate holder and beneficiaries.

If you requireestate planning and executorship services, wills, and trusts, trust in us. Contact our team today to find out how we can assist you.