Kreston Forensics

Kreston Forensics


Kreston Forensics SA has a regional office in the following provinces, Free State, Eastern Cape, Gauteng and Western Cape.

We can roll out temporary or mobile investigative support offices at any location both nationally and internationally and have done so during numerous investigations, with great success. Such a temporary or mobile investigative support office provides communication, technology and networking support to the investigators on site.


Kreston Forensics SA has two executive directors, namely Mr Jacques van Wyk and Mrs Julia van Wyk, and two non-executive directors, Stacey Bartlett and Natalie Steenkamp.

We are an internationally recognised forensic services company founded over 22 years ago to meet the growing demand for specialised forensic financial investigative services in South Africa and abroad. 

We help businesses and government departments develop ethical, sustainable practices so that together we can build a country that we are all proud of.

As your Business Compass, we embody Integrity, Professionalism and Quality.

Once economic crimes are suspected, we conduct a thorough investigation and where required, ensure that the guilty parties are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We are renowned for the quality of our work and our success rate in civil and criminal prosecutions.

We offer three core service offerings, which each have multiple sub-disciplines that fall into the scope of our capabilities.  We cover:

  • Investigation of Economic Crimes
  • Litigation Support
  • Prevention and Deterrence

Investigation of Economic Crimes

In our investigations, we obtain and examine various sources for evidence, determine how the offence was committed, quantify the actual and potential losses stemming from the incident, and identify the parties involved in committing the offence.  Our findings and supporting evidence are compiled in a forensic report that can be used in institutional proceedings, or civil or criminal proceedings in a court of law.

Litigation Support

When providing litigation support, our staff has the most comprehensive understanding of the case and evidence at hand.  Our Litigation Support Services are designed to prepare the parties responsible to deal with the matter effectively.

We assist with presentations and clarification of the forensic report and supporting evidence, build the evidence files to be used in proceedings, assist with case preparation, assess witness statements, and provide evidence and testimony in legal proceedings.

Prevention and Deterrence

Even the best recommendations over time turn into rules that are not strictly adhered to.  We believe that a combination of ongoing risk assessment, training and education, along with cost-effective prevention measures provide the best deterrent against economic crime. 

We help set up frameworks to prevent and detect fraud, manage governance and business ethics in a structured way, and highlight the rules to follow when responding to red flags that signal potentially fraudulent activity is taking place.

Our solutions are tailor-made to suit our client’s needs and unique environments. 

We are consistent in our approach to investigations, and our multidisciplinary approach, which constantly evolves to meet the new legal and technological landscape of the day, keeps us on the cutting edge of our field and delivers exceptional value to our clients.

+27 51 411 2400

Corner Waverley & Essex Road, Waverley, Bloemfontein, 9301